Evolution is change. Let's be honest. There's a lot of stuff we don't like in our world and maybe even in our lives. Change is not only possible, but crucial to our growth. Exit believes change begins when each of us exit our way of thinking: making the choice to exit the destructive forces of selfishness, immorality, alcohol and drugs, prejudice and so many other things that steal away our future. But more than that, it's turning our hearts toward God and His Son, Jesus Christ, allowing God’s Word to guide us down the road and enjoy this amazing journey He has for us all.
Exit began in 2008, founded by Pastor Jason Goss, with students from Northland Cathedral in Kansas City, MO. Exit offers a diverse blend of activities, events, challenging messages and a meaningful worship experience. We want you to experience life like never before, we want you to experience life the way it was meant to be lived. It's about the abundant life that is found in a personal relationship with Christ.
Exit is all about life. It's about your life. It's about students encountering God, making friends, growing together and making a difference. It's about helping everybody connect, elevate and discover. We've found that the existence we always wanted was closer than we ever imagined - in a relationship with God.
Exit is for you. Middle school or high school. Black, white, yellow, green or blue. Male or female. Maybe you're not really into the "church" thing. That's okay, too. Just come and check it out. Exit is unique. We believe in keeping the 10 commandments but breaking most of the other traditional rules associated with church.
We're committed to meeting the individual needs of every student, and seeing each and every student use their God-given talents. We want to see you succeed in life, and thus, the opportunity to be a part of specialized events, activities, groups and services. We want meaningful relationships. We want to know the truth. We want to do something that matters.
The rest of this site will tell you about some of the practical ways you can experience Exit. If you've yet to experience the abundant life Jesus promised, would like to know more about it, or would like to know more about getting involved, please contact us. You can experience an Exit too; click here for more info.